© Patti Swager LMT NV6412 - 2014
Site by Cloud Dancer Technologies
Made with Xara
Animal Care
Our motto is: “
Improving your health, one drop at a time!
Natural Cleaning without the Chemicals
Over the years we never thought twice about standing
in the shower, cleaning the walls and letting all of
those chemicals rinsed off the walls flow around your
bare feet to the drain.
Trivia question!
What is the largest organ of the body?
Answer: Your skin!
And did you know the largest pours of your body
happen to be on the bottom of your feet? True fact!
So next time your standing in the shower cleaning the
walls, try a new healthy way with dōTERRA CTPG
essential oils, they’re 100% natural, inexpensive non-
toxic cleaners.
Please join us in a Class/Workshop to learn more about Green Cleaning using dōTERRA CTPG essential oils.
Oil Intro
Skin Care
Health Care
Green Cleaning
Kids Health